About Us

Welcome to MusicLie.com, the definitive source for audio enthusiasts, musicians, and sound professionals. Established in 2023, our seasoned team boasts a cumulative experience that spans over 7 years in the audio equipment industry. At MusicLie.com, we’re committed to guiding you through the complex landscape of sound technology, so you can enjoy an unparalleled listening experience.

What We Do

Here at MusicLie.com, we specialize in all things audio gear. From in-depth reviews on the latest headphones to detailed guides on studio setups, we’ve got it all covered. Our curated content appeals to a wide audience—from casual music lovers to professional sound engineers.

Our Philosophy

We’re founded on the belief that premium sound quality isn’t exclusive to a niche group; it’s something everyone should experience. Our content aims to demystify the jargon and technicalities, making quality audio accessible for everyone, no matter the budget.

Meet The Team

Nakhle Naoum

Nakhle Naoum, a dedicated and experienced individual, serves as the primary owner and author for a specialized website focused on music gear.

With a passion for all things music-related, Nakhle has been a vital figure in the industry for over seven years. His expertise is not only evident in the detailed articles and reviews he contributes to the site, but also through his hands-on experience with a wide range of musical equipment.

Nakhle began his journey in the music world at a young age, fostering a deep-seated love for both playing and understanding musical instruments. As he gained knowledge and experience, it became increasingly clear that sharing this information with others could make a significant impact. This led him to establish his website, which has since become a go-to resource for musicians and enthusiasts alike.

The site caters to both beginners and seasoned musicians, offering advice on selecting the right gear, troubleshooting common issues, and maximizing the potential of various instruments.

Nakhle’s analytical approach and clear, easy-to-follow writing style have garnered him a loyal following. Visitors to the site value his honest, unbiased opinions, which are backed by rigorous testing and thorough research.

Nakhle continues to be deeply involved in the ever-changing landscape of music technology, ensuring that his readers are always up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends.

Whether you’re in search of a new guitar, exploring the world of synthesizers, or looking to optimize your current setup, Nakhle Naoum remains a trusted voice in the field.


As someone deeply passionate about sound technology, Robert brings an exhaustive array of expertise to MusicLie.com.

In addition to his editorial responsibilities, Robert also collaborates with Nakhle on content strategy, ensuring that the topics chosen resonate with the site’s target audience. The synergy between Nakhle’s extensive experience in the industry and Robert’s editorial expertise creates a powerful combination that has helped the website become a trusted resource in the field of music gear.

Committed to the pursuit of excellence, Robert is constantly researching and learning about the newest advancements in music technology to keep the content current and informative. With his guidance, the website continues to offer valuable information that helps musicians make informed decisions regarding their gear.

Contact Us

Should you have any queries or suggestions, we encourage you to reach out or use our Contact Us page. Our aim is to continually improve and evolve, and your feedback is invaluable to us.

Thank you for visiting MusicLie.com. We look forward to becoming your go-to source for all your audio gear questions and needs.