Best Hifiman Headphones- Honest And Unbiased Reviews!

Best Hifiman Headphones- Honest And Unbiased Reviews!
Best Hifiman Headphones- Honest And Unbiased Reviews! (Image: © MusicLie)

If you, too, are currently searching for the best Hifiman headphones, let us help you by bringing you an article containing a list of the best Hifiman headphones accompanied by their honest and unbiased reviews.

Hifiman has recently continued to make bold moves, updating and upgrading its line of products for audiophile sound.

While they still have kept some of the headphones as the typical and well-defined Hifiman headphones, a lot has been done by the company to shake up and bring down their budget to much more affordable and middle-tier products.

Additionally, new pairs have also been released that cater to a relatively affordable price range, and now they have also introduced headphones that have an open and closed back, respectively, with names that either originate from the Sanskrit or the Hindi language.

All in all, Hifiman has brought about quite a revolutionary innovation in their brand line, so which are the best Hifiman headphones?

Best Hifiman Headphones- Honest And Unbiased Reviews! Reviews

HIFIMAN HE4XX (Image credit: Amazon)



Sound delivered is crisp and clear

Comfortable and bendable headband


Treble is poor

Comparative to the older Hifiman headphone models, the Hifiman HE4XX is a more advanced version that comes with additional comfort for the user and an upgraded sound system, ensuring that every individual has a smooth yet engaging, immersive sound experience. 


The usual old-school Hifiman style has been revived in the Hifiman HE4XX, however, with certain structural improvements. A primary example of such an improvement in the HE4XX is the new material composition of the headband.

Previously, the headband easily lost its structure and shape, but now, with spring steel, you can bend it all you want without worrying about the hand-stitched and breathable leather losing shape. 

Though the Hifiman headphone features a premium aesthetic, this does not come at a compromise of comfort.

Comfort provided by the HE4XX remains incomparable to any other headphone, and it has hybrid ear pads, which are not only the best in the sound that they deliver but also feel very comfortable and light on the ears, providing the best feeling through the luxurious and soft velour. 

Audio profile of these headphones is engaging and simultaneously smooth, and even when the frequency range might be airy, the sound output of the headphones is not impacted, and you will hear clear audio. 

Many headphone-producing companies have tested and tried their way around planar magnetics, but the way they come included in the HE4XX is commendable, and this driver technology has landed the company in renowned magazines like Forbes and Time. 

Subsequently, the planar magnetics are another reason for the versatility, as they do not require a fancy amp to sound amazing.


Even though some users have complained about the treble of the Hifiman HE4XX being unnecessarily sharp, there are no other concerns that have been raised.

Hifiman Sundara (Image credit: Amazon)

Hifiman Sundara


Soundstage is above average for the price

Comfort is excellent


Treble often lacks sparkle

The Hifiman Sundara headphones are the perfect gateway to the best Hifiman headphones and into the audiophile headphone life.

If you are looking to purchase a pair of headphones that has all the desired and demanded qualities and comes with an affordable price tag, then you must check out this recommendation!


Considerably, Sundara headphones are a vivid example representing a huge step up from the originally released 400S and the 400i.

They have been the company’s first and official step into high-end headphones but with a budget-friendly price tag. 

Sundara headphones feature a newly developed diaphragm, which, compared to the previous version, is 80% thinner and results in a much broader, faster, and more detailed frequency response. 

The weight of the pair, too, is spread adequately around the strap to make sure that outstanding comfort is offered.

Nevertheless, the sleek, stylish, fashion-conscious look is still maintained through the all-black and matte design of the headphones.

The best upgrade that these headphones have seen is that of composition. All the other models, which are budget-conscious, are made out of plastic.

Still, for Sundara headphones, the main composing material has been kept metal to avoid the feel of plasticity and to further product durability. 

The transparent sound and clarity have a neutral tuning with a sufficient level of resolution and detail, enough to make the Sundara the best Hifiman headphones.

Treble and bass provide a lot of detail in the middle but rest assured, there is no rumble in the delivered sound.


Conclusively, and keeping in mind the price of the Sundara headphones, they can be claimed to be the best as the product features all the fundamental qualities that an audiophile headphone user requires.

Hifiman Arya (Image credit: Amazon)

Hifiman Arya


Excellent sound through the thin diaphragm

Lightweight and comfortable


Metal headband sometimes feel heavy

Hifiman Arya has been consistently and frequently reviewed as one of the most revealing Hifiman headphone pairs, indicating that the headphones are very neutral and tend to deliver music how it was originally and exactly recorded. 


The most prominent feature of the Arya headphones is undoubtedly its invisible stealth magnet that, unlike conventional magnets, does not produce any extra sound waves but lets the generated soundwaves pass through the magnet without creating any interference in the audio quality or output. 

Magnetic design is kept transparent and is very efficient at dramatically reducing any wave turbulence or diffraction that would have otherwise degraded the integrity and quality of the sound waves. 

Additionally, the diaphragm of the headphones is only a nanometer thick. This is a core breakthrough technology, which is the first of its kind and has been developed by Hifiman to deliver remarkable sound to headphone users. 

The design of the Arya is of very high quality, with the headband being manufactured out of metal to give extra strength.

There has also been an inclusion of high-grade plastic to ensure that the pair feels lightweight and comfortable on the ears of the users. 

The asymmetrical ear cups of the open-back design have been optimized to trace the natural shape of the human ear, and fit per the size.

There are no complications when it comes to the headphones, and operations have been kept simple through the single crystalline copper cable that can be used to connect headphones with other devices. 


Overall, the design and the sound quality of the Hifiman Arya headphones make the product worth serious consideration. There are no such drawbacks to these headphones.

Hifiman Edition XS (Image credit: Amazon)

Hifiman Edition XS


Combination of bass

Soundstage is fantastic


Poor built

Supposedly, you want something more upgraded and advanced than Arya headphones.

In that case, we say you look at the Hifiman edition XS, which can be confidently claimed to share similar qualities with Arya but has specific innovative features. 


Agreeably, the Hifiman edition XS is one of the best mid-range headphones for audiophiles.

Compared to other Hifiman headphones, edition XS’s sound performance is incredible, but a distinguishing aspect is the price, which is comparatively lower than the other competitive headphones. 

To create an impressive and immersive sound, edition XS has a planar magnetic transducer that significantly helps boost the bass.

As a result, the sound profile of these headphones is mid-range and flat, while the present lead instruments and the vocals deliver a sound output that is clear and toned. 

However, the edition XS lacks low bass but has a bump of the high bass, which can be a drawback for some, but people who prefer warmth in their sound mixes to balance the final audio might have a different perception of this bass combination. 

Regardless, the passive soundstage is remarkable and feels spacious and expansive, giving a feeling to the users as if the sound was originating from outside the headspace. 

A rather poor and uncomfortable build complements outstanding audio qualities. The ear cups of these headphones are oversized, and people who have small ears will be agitated at the headphones because of the large fit. 

Edition XS’s headphone design is a traditional one, unlike the general ski-band design in other Hifiman headphones, which constitutes a disadvantage in the build quality. 


If you are more concerned with the delivered sound quality than the fit of the headphones on your ear, then the Hifiman edition XS can be the best Hifiman headphones for you.

Buying Guide

Most people, when opting to buy the best Hifiman headphones, raise the same question very often, which is regarding the precise qualities that they are supposed to look for in a headphone before making their purchase.

Some qualities are non-negotiable, and some can be negotiated if the sound quality of the headphones is excellent. Following is a list of all the qualities that you must root for in the best Hifiman headphones. 

Sound Quality

Hifiman headphones are quite popular for the exceptional sound quality that they tend to deliver; therefore, this means that when shopping for a headphone from this brand, sound quality is a non-negotiable aspect. 

In whatever headphones you consider, ensure the sound quality is the BEST. The bass should be a combination of highs and lows, the output audio should be clear, and any rumble in the sound should be kept at a minimum.

The soundstage is another crucial consideration for which the headphones should have a soundstage that is not only spacious but also has accurate imaging. 

Build Quality

Headphones should be constructed such that they are the epitome of both comfort and durability.

The headphone headband should be flexible but, at the same time, must not be made of a material that would feel heavy on the ears.

Likewise, the ear cuffs of the headphones should be of a size that would conveniently fit the natural size without feeling unnecessarily large. 


Hifiman has dedicated itself to crafting headphones that are the most innovative in their features.

Lately, they have focused on manufacturing products at the forefront of design and performance.

Hence, when shopping for the best Hifiman headphones, ensure they are the latest headphones launched by the company.

An advantage you will get through this is that the recently introduced headphones have lower prices but are still high quality. 


In this article, we have given you an honest and unbiased review of the four best Hifiman headphones we mentioned. Along with that, we have also provided you with a buying guide.

Therefore, with straightforward reviews and a beneficial buying guide, you should now face no difficulty when choosing the appropriate and the best Hifiman headphones for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are HiFiMan headphones any good?

Yes, the Hifiman headphones are very good, and they deliver audio much more consistently than other brands. Keeping in mind the recent innovations the brand has been inculcating in its new launches, Hifiman has advanced in quality and price, bringing the best of both to customers.

Is HiFiMan a Chinese brand?

Hifiman is a Chinese brand/ manufacturer.

Should I buy the HiFiMan Sundara?

We recommend you buy the Hifiman Sundara headphones because they are a perfect example of a pair of headphones that come at a budget-friendly price and bring all the fundamental and much-needed features such as remarkable sound and commendable build.

Is HiFiMan Sundara heavy?

No, Hifiman Sundara, despite having an absolute metal headband, is not heavy and feels lightweight when placed on the ears. The design of the headphones is long-lasting and promises to promote durability.

Nakhle Naoum
With a passion for all things music-related, Nakhle has been a vital figure in the industry for over seven years. His expertise is not only evident in the detailed articles and reviews he contributes to the site, but also through his hands-on experience with a wide range of musical equipment.